Customised solutions for your cultivation

We offer comprehensive consultancy for the development of your greenhouse lighting project.

Greenhouse Lighting Solutions

Choosing the right light for growing your plants is one of the main concerns shared by all horticultural and floricultural sectors.


Vegetables & Fruits Lighting Solutions

Light is an essential element in the life cycle of plants, able to synchronise their biological clock and trigger physiological processes that improve the consistency of vegetation or the production of fruit and vegetables.


Floriculture Lighting Solutions

Our range of premium LED lighting can supplement or replace natural light to improve every aspect of your ornamental plants.

Vertical Farm Lighting Solutions

Our technology enables you to maximise production, using an innovative LED system for vertical farming that provides light to several layers of crops, obtaining a higher yield while occupying less ground space.

Cannabis Lighting Solutions

The appropriate use and control of light allows you to enrich the profiles of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids in your plants, maximising their yield, flavour and potency.


Contact us for free support

Each plant, each growth stage and each greenhouse have their own particular characteristics, and require specific solutions.