LED systems for growing plants Lighting Solutions

Our in-depth knowledge and experience in the sector have allowed us to develop systems for horticulture and floriculture that are able to make the most of the natural life cycle of plants, combining specialised technical expertise, consulting tailored to the individual customer and innovative products, with a view to boosting both the quality and quantity of your business.

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LED systems for growing plants

Increasing production

During the months with reduced light, the appropriate use of LED lighting to supplement natural light makes it possible to increase the number of harvesting cycles, or grow plants during seasons in which it would otherwise be impossible.

Enriching morphological quality

The relationship and the balance between red and blue light determine plant development type and time, as well as the quality of the plants in terms of colour, nutritional components, thickness of the leaf blades and density. Proper balancing is also beneficial to increasing ramification and the number of leaves, and to the distribution of the leaves on the top of the plant.

Punctual deliveries

The most organised customers, such as major retail chains, require precisely scheduled deliveries, and just a few days of cloudy skies can delay deliveries. The use of LED lighting can guarantee the right amount of light to allow for punctuality and quality, even in unfavourable conditions.

To achieve these objectives, sunlight must be combined with artificial lighting solutions

Cloudy sky

Solar radiation reduced up to less than 10% > can be solved using artificial light


Short days with sun low in the sky (almost 50% reduction in sunlight and low sun) > can be solved using artificial light

Contact us for free support

Each plant, each growth stage and each greenhouse have their own particular characteristics, and require specific solutions.

We’ll shine some light on your projects

ComoLighting offers a comprehensive consulting service for the development of your greenhouse lighting project. The various skills developed are able to support customers throughout all stages of the work, from planning to completion.

Measurement of the light level in the greenhouse to guarantee optimal light radiation

Specific study on the characteristics of the fruit and vegetable varieties

Definition of the energy plan

Design and production of the lamps