

Choosing the right light for growing your plants is one of the main concerns shared by all horticultural and floricultural sectors.

A request for relamping, i.e. the replacement of lamps with more effective systems, is aimed at obtaining the same, or even better, performance – in terms of the plants’ growth response – but with a significant reduction in consumption. In many such cases, this can result in very significant savings on energy costs (which can exceed 30%).

Depending on the customer’s requirements and the type of plants grown, we will identify the most effective solution, thanks to our in-house team of lighting experts, agronomists and designers.


Improved performance

Using the correct, properly calibrated lighting elements can boost productivity.

Energy efficiency

Lamps constructed efficiently to increase quality and decrease environmental impact

Dedicated solutions

Each greenhouse has its own story and particular characteristics. “Prepackaged” solutions are unsatisfactory for their needs, so we study individual solutions tailored to the needs of your plants.

Study of the light and your greenhouse

Our experts are able to combine long-established agronomy skills with in-depth knowledge of LED lighting

Contact us for free support

Each plant, each growth stage and each greenhouse have their own particular characteristics, and require specific solutions.